It’s really strange how we really want to hold on to somethings and really get rid of some at the same time. There is always a fight for the two far poles. Always a struggle and a fear of losing something. When they are nothing but our inhibitions to let go, to accept things the way they are and keep moving forward.
Just like, how difficult it is to build an enormous mud castle but then abandon it, to be shattered by other passersby into a heap of mud. But that's the part of the game we agreed to play. We have to let go and never look back. Otherwise there won’t be any mud castles on the beach or no more mud to play with. So which side you rather be! Never try a new game? Or Never let go that has a part of you?
I think I am not gonna side with any of them. There is no fun in either. I need to try and I do have to move past that to try another one.
It's always a mix of everything.
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